Building a Serverless Data Ingestion – End Result

In this final post, we’ll go over the final implementation of this serverless data ingestion pipeline. What is the result of all the effort put forward to build this serverless data ingestion process? I think the best way to break this down is to compare what we were originally aiming for, and what was implemented. Below you can see diagram that was created in the post outlining the overall architecture.

Pictured on the left is what was originally proposed. On the right, is what was actually implemented. Turns out the implementation pretty much stuck to the plan, with the additional enhancement of using an event to kick off the Lambda functions. This allows for everything to kick off in the appropriate sequence once a file is placed in our “ingestion-bucket-11.15.2021”.

The usage of AWS events to kick off Lambda functions was extraordinarily easy, and there’s plenty of good documentation to get started. The S3 event passes through all the metadata needed to parameterize and operate the pipeline in JSON. The documentation from Amazon, makes it super easy to access and use when setting up your Lambda functions.

Below you can see the actual code executed in the Lambda function. Notice that the variables bucket_name and file_name are both retrieved from the event.

from classes import ingester as ing
from classes import forstaparser as fp

def lambda_handler(event, context):
 bucket_name = event['Records'][0]['s3']['bucket']['name']
 file_name = event['Records'][0]['s3']['object']['key']
 target_bucket = 'landing-bucket-11.15.2021'
 upload_table = 'landing_table'
 source_type = 's3'

 if bucket_name == target_bucket:
  upload_file_name = ing.ingester.convert_object(None,bucket_name,file_name)
  raw_logs = fp.parser.read_logs(None,source_type,target_bucket,upload_file_name)
  landing_ingester = ingester.ingester()

Put simply, the function does the following. First it receives the event metadata, parses through the JSON, and obtains the bucket name that we want to transfer the files from. Notice we can point to any bucket, and it will always drop the file into ‘landing-bucket-11.15.2021’. Using the event metadata means I can reuse this Lambda function as often as I want to create a central dumping ground for staging data to be loaded.

Second, once files are put into ‘landing-bucket-11.15.2021’ another event kicks off. This event cleans the data, ensuring proper encoding (UTF-8), and then loads the data into our DynamoDB landing table. All in all pretty simple.

Below you can see everything running in action.

As we can see above, the files were automatically copied, and for posterity’s sake, we can check the cloud logs to see we have a 100% success rate in the last hour. Looking at the below we can see the result of 100% successful executions for our first Lambda function.

The next step is automatically kicked off whenever an object is PUT into the ‘landing-bucket-11.15.2021’ and loads the data into DynamoDB. With the current setup, we can see the data uploads successfully and the data is now available in DynamoDB to be ingested into whatever processes/analytics we want! The best part being that once this is setup it is automated, and auditable going forward due to the tools AWS offers.

In order to build this, it may not have seemed like a long journey. But keep in mind, in the process of building this little project out I’ve had to pickup and learn quite a few tools. Docker, Lambda, S3, IAM, Python, Boto3, and a few more tools which we’ve covered in the previous posts. If I need to do this again, it’ll be much simpler based upon what I’ve learned.

Thanks for reading along!

Building a Serverless Data Ingestion – Difficulties

This is part three in a four part series on implementing a serverlessJSON based approach using AWS for data ingestion

Outlining the architecture and development process, I glossed over all of the problems and issues that had to be overcome along the way. The majority of my work life and free time isn’t spent using Python, so the majority of the issues confronted are likely to be straightforward for more experienced developers. Doing something new though, I did run into a few issues which were interesting and warrant at least jotting down for my own memory.

  1. Learning about the Docker File
  2. AWS Lambda events and layers
  3. Learning Boto3

Learning about the Docker File

When starting off with Docker, I was throwing things at the wall and seeing what stuck. Originally, I was using a standard Ubuntu image to do testing from for the final function which would be up in AWS Lambda. This was not the right approach in retrospect. I should have started with the amazonlinux image that is readily available on Docker Hub. Once understanding how to create the Docker File from that image, the next step was understanding how to get the code into the container.

The first instinct I had was to create the Docker File in a specific subdirectory of the code base. I’d have a structure like follows:

The entirety of the GitHub repo is Forsta, with subdirectories serving specific purposes.

  • Database: Contains code to create the DynamoDB database tables, and other configurations.
  • Parser: Has the code for moving the data between S3 buckets and into DynamoDB from S3 buckets. Additionally, it contains functions to clean the data and create a primary/unique key for the DynamoDB table.
  • Test: Contain all unit tests or end to end tests I would need to create. It ended up containing the function executed by the AWS Lamdba function, which needs to be rectified in the future.
  • Docker: The final directory was aiming to be Docker, which would have contained a repository of different Docker Files which would be used for different Lambda functions. That’s where I ran into some issues with pathing.

Based upon where the Docker File was in this path, I was unable to easily use the “add” command which made me unable to pull the required files into the Docker container to test my code. My recommendation, have one main area which the Docker File lives in the topmost directory of your repo (in this case, right below Forsta), and you can easily get all of the code you need into the container.

AWS Lambda

This was my first time using AWS Lambda, and it was a bit bumpy at first. My original approach was to create a class, which I would then call in Lambda. While this was basically what the end result was, the route getting there involved some discovery/mistakes.

The first time I attempted to deploy code to Lambda, I just had the class, zipped it up, and tried publishing the Lambda function. In order to use these published classes, I didn’t think through the fact that something would have to call the function, other than my test scripts.

The second time I published a function, one of my test scripts which worked in the container, to run the desired code to see if it worked. Again, this did not work out. After doing some further research, I found that the AWS Lambda function requires an event to kick off the execution of the desired code. In retrospect, this makes complete sense.

The third attempt I got right, after looking a this great tutorial. The key is to create a wrapper which accepts the right events from the AWS environment which kicks off the underlying code I was looking to execute. You can see the repo here with

from tests import test_parser

def lambda_handler(event, context):

All of this could have been averted by reading the documentation before trying to deploy. In order to get to this point, I had to refactor the directory structure a couple times (leading to code impacts), and deploy multiple times. Lesson learned, documentation is in fact worth reading.

Learning Boto3

Let’s start off with the basics. What is Boto3? Luckily, the Boto3 documentation has a simple overview on the landing page.

You use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create, configure, and manage AWS services, such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). The SDK provides an object-oriented API as well as low-level access to AWS services.

– Boto3 Documentation

This library underpins everything that was done as part of the effort. Really, the complications came in the form of understanding how to get the data cleaned in a format that would be useful to have in a DynamoDB table. Trying to get the data to where I needed it was easy.

This can be seen here primarily in the ingester class located here and pictured below.

import boto3
import time as time
import gzip
import json
from io import BytesIO

class ingester():
 #def __init__(self):
 #print the name of all the buckets the configured account has access to
 def s3_list_buckets(self):
  for bucket in boto3.resource('s3').buckets.all():
   response_dict = boto3.client('s3').list_objects(
   #ensures bucket has content before trying to pull content info out
    print('No objects in ' + + ' exist.')
    objs_contents = response_dict['Contents']
    #unnecessary, good for reference
    #for i in range(len(objs_contents)):
    # file_name = objs_contents[i]['Key']
    # print(file_name)

# Read data file from S3 location
# Unpack/Unzip into JSON
# Load to landing bucket location
 def copy_object(self,source_bucket,object_key,target_bucket):
   target_object = object_key + str(time.time())
   copy_source = {
    'Bucket' : source_bucket,
    'Key' : object_key
   s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
   landing_bucket = s3.Bucket(target_bucket)
    landing_bucket.copy(copy_source, target_object)
   except Exception as ex:
    print('Success! Object loaded to: ' + target_object)
    return (target_object)

# turns the data contained in the s3 gzip compressed file to text document
 def convert_object(self,target_bucket,target_key):
   data = []
   s3_client = boto3.client('s3')
   read_object = s3_client.get_object(
     Bucket = target_bucket,
     Key = target_key
   read_byte_object = BytesIO(read_object['Body'].read()) 
   raw_data = gzip.GzipFile(None, 'rb', fileobj=read_byte_object).read().decode('ASCII') #.decode('utf-8')
   s3_client.put_object(Body=raw_data, Bucket=target_bucket,Key=target_key[target_key.rindex('/')+1:] + str(time.time())+'.txt')

Looking at the convert_object function, you can see there was quite a bit of finagling needed in order to get the required data format and move the contents into my single landing bucket. This single bucket is where I’m storing all of my information, as outlined in the architecture. After doing this project, I realized the hard part of the library, just like anything, is learning how the different functions return the data and should be used in tandem to make a coherent solution. But I will say, the documentation is great and there are a plethora of resources/blogs.

Specifically, I’ll call out the following as a great place to start when looking to get something like this off the ground and into the cloud.

Building a Serverless Data Ingestion – Development Process

This is part two in a four part series on implementing a serverlessJSON based approach using AWS for data ingestion

  • Architecture: What’s the approach?
  • Development Process: How did I set up my environment that was effective and efficient for developing?
  • Difficulties: What issues came up, and how did they get resolved?
  • End results: Does this architecture achieve the goals that it set out to achieve?

One of the biggest blockers to getting started with building out the serverless data ingestion was figuring out the best way to develop code which could be deployed on the different AWS services being used. Traditionally I’ve deployed code to a central server or cluster from which everything could be tested and promoted. Deploy to a server, test on the server, then move to a production server or location on the same server where production files/code live. What happens when there is no server?


I’d put off learning Docker for quite a while due to the complexity introduced when running Docker, but in this case, being able to replicate the environment Lambda functions run on was the first time Docker clicked for me. Loosely following the excellent tutorial from Nicola Pietroluongo located here, I was able to stumble my way through creating my first dockerfile, resulting the below code which can be found here on GitHub.

FROM amazonlinux
RUN yum update -y
RUN yum install python3 -y
RUN yum install nano -y
RUN yum install zip -y
RUN yum install unzip -y

#AWS CLI Installation
#RUN curl "" -o ""
#RUN unzip
#RUN ./aws/install

#create working directory
ADD . /user/src 
RUN pip3 install boto3 -t /user/src/Forsta/Parser

#Pull base image
#FROM ubuntu:latest

#Installation packages
#RUN apt-get update
#RUN apt-get install -y curl
#RUN apt-get install -y unzip
#RUN apt-get install -y python3
#RUN apt-get update
#RUN apt-get install -y python3-pip
#RUN pip3 install boto3
#RUN apt-get install nano

#AWS CLI installation
#RUN curl "" -o ""
#RUN unzip
#RUN ./aws/install

#Add's current directory into container home directory.
#ADD . /home

While tinkering around with different approaches to the code, I was able to add or remove dependencies from the environment as needed (as you can see with all of the commented out packages in the above). I was constantly creating and destroying the environments running two or three commands in my local command line.

When developing on EC2 or other server environments, dependency management has always been a pain and has at times resulted in a bloated environment (slower, higher maintenance costs, etc.). This is due to to the packages that are unnecessary or never used are installed in the environment because they may have been used while developing the code, found to not be the best solution, but not deleted from the server environment. Using Docker was awesome due to the fact that each time I was iterating my code, I was spinning up the environment through the Dockerfile and commenting out the dependencies that weren’t needed, preventing this issue.


The development of the code was all done using visual studio code, and once ready for unit tests, the Dockerfile above would be run. The actual python code, along with all dependencies are all placed in the container at the directory location /user/src/Forsta/Parser, as specified in the Dockerfile. If the code resulted in the desired outcome, I then Zip the files along with dependencies.

This Zip file is what we wanted to eventually get into a Lambda function. Once this Zip file was present in the container I spun up, the file was pulled down to my local machine, then uploaded through the AWS Management Console (this could all be automated) and ready to execute since I’d already setup the correct account through IAM.

The actual code getting executed is located here, and shown below.

from tests import test_parser

def lambda_handler(event, context):

Code Repo

Most people are familiar with Github at this point. I used GitHub Desktop to maintain the code base entirely on the main branch. Nothing fancy here, as I was working alone on this and able to do the quickest/fastest solution. As a side note, one of the items worth mentioning is that I picked up a code repo from a few years ago to start this (as shown below). I’ve had multiple computers and storage mediums die since then, but being able to pickup the repo and see the history was super useful.

Even if the code had been stored on my local C drive, who knows if I’d have been able to find it or remember why certain things were done. Being able to go through the version history and see the files between commits, helped greatly in refreshing and picking up the code to create these pipelines.

Dynamo DB

From an AWS standpoint, nothing too special. Everything was setup manually, but this could all be automated. Just like the deployment process. I did script out the creation of the landing table as shown below and available in the repo here.

import boto3

def create_landing_table():
    dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb',region_name='us-east-1')

    landing_table = dynamodb.create_table(
            'AttributeName': 'uuid',
            'KeyType': 'HASH'
            'AttributeName': 'upload_date',
            'KeyType': 'RANGE'
                'AttributeName': 'uuid',
                'AttributeType': 'S'
                'AttributeName': 'upload_date',
                'AttributeType': 'S'

    print('Table Status: ',landing_table.table_status)

In the future, I’m hoping to parameterize the creation of tables as needed. Due to this being a document database, all that needs to be defined is the creation of the unique identifiers. Eventually, I’ll parameterize the creation of the sort keys as necessary for performance.

With all the above, you now have an idea of how I developed on my local machine, deployed code to Lambda, and setup my final landing table in DynamoDB. If you missed the first post in the series which provides an overview of what I was trying to build, you can find that post here.

Building a Serverless Data Ingestion – Architecture

Data and analytics always seems to start with the same problem. How do get the data where it’s needed so that we can start getting insights? The problem isn’t getting the data from point A to B, but doing this in a way that is easy, cost-effective, reliable, and appropriately scalable for the use case. With the rise of the different cloud providers and their toolsets, I thought it would be fun to give a swing at implementing a serverless, JSON based approach using AWS.

This will be series of articles which will be broken down into the following:

  • Architecture: What’s the approach?
  • Development Process: How did I set up my environment that was effective and efficient for developing?
  • Difficulties: What issues came up, and how did they get resolved?
  • End results: Does this architecture achieve the goals that it set out to achieve?

Diving into the architecture plan is outlined below. We’ll go into each of the boxes in detail, but first let’s frame the use case for this project:

I want a solution that can be used in my personal data projects, can scale up to N data ingestion pipelines as needed, and is cheap to operate.

With that goal in mind, the solution uses technologies that support these objectives:

  1. Scalability: All of these technologies can scale from gigabytes to terabytes of data automatically, being fully managed services. Additionally, the Lambda python functions that have been written are entirely serverless.
  2. Cost: Cost is all based upon usage. So if nothing is used, all I’m paying for is storage costs for the storage of persistent data. DynamoDB’s on-demand capacity based pricing charges $.25 per a Gb, so using this service as a landing location before moving into Snowflake is extremely affordable considering the budget.
  3. Upkeep/maintenance: Everything but the data layer is server-less, so no EC2 to keep up. No patching or server status’ needing to monitored. Or the worst case, no script kitties entering into an unprotected servers in my VPC that require me to start over from scratch.

So pretty straightforward from an overall technology standpoint right? The other item to note is how the Lambda functions are written in the python. The idea behind the S3 bucket structure is to funnel all of the data for ingestion into a single location, and ensure that the data is in a similar format to be landed in Dynamo DB.

With the Lambda functions in the GitHub repo here, we ensure that there is a key present that uniquely identifies the exact upload record and it’s origination so I can reuse the upload process for as many different feeds as we want, from whatever buckets we want. Completely configurable to point to a bucket you own, or someone else’s bucket, you can and land it in your own bucket.

Here’s one of the functions demonstrating a super straight forward movement/copy function to get our data to a single ingestion bucket:

# Read data file from S3 location
# Unpack/Unzip into JSON
# Load to landing bucket location
 def copy_object(self,source_bucket,object_key,target_bucket):
   target_object = object_key + str(time.time())
   copy_source = {
    'Bucket' : source_bucket,
    'Key' : object_key
   s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
   landing_bucket = s3.Bucket(target_bucket)
    landing_bucket.copy(copy_source, target_object)
   except Exception as ex:
    print('Success! Object loaded to: ' + target_object)
    return (target_object)

After this, it’s a matter of moving the data along the layers with our Lambda functions, manipulating the data as necessary, and ending up with that data inside of DynamoDB. The idea here being, if we build out the required functions in Lambda, these core python classes used in the Lambda functions to load the data for as many sources as we want, as long as they are similar.

As an example, do you have customer data being sent from many different sources, slightly differently? Well we can get that data into a single DynamoDB table to load into our relational Snowflake database for analytics, or access the data directly using DynamoDB’s API. All of the data in this example is landed in a single table, and can be identified by source for individual processing/analytics.

Although this all sounds straightforward, developing this architecture was truly easier than other side projects/tinkering I’ve done due to the tools that are available to develop Lambda functions and interact with AWS infrastructure. In the next section I’ll talk about the tools I used, how code was deployed, and few other relevant items that made all of this easier to do than expected.